> 文章列表 > 今年的春节有什么期待英文



The new year is coming! Now, it\'s the time to make the resolutions for the new year. Here is what I hope for this year\'s Spring Festival.

Every Chinese Child\'s Anticipation for the Lunar New Year

Every Chinese child eagerly looks forward to the arrival of the Lunar New Year. This year, the Spring Festival has come a little early. In rural areas, every household is adorned with festive couplets, bringing a cheerful atmosphere to the countryside. Each region has its unique way of celebrating, making the Lunar New Year a truly diverse and vibrant festival.

What is the English Translation of \"期待\"?

The English translation of \"期待\" can be expressed in various ways. It can be translated as \"to look forward to,\" \"to await,\" \"hope for,\" \"lot on,\" \"look towards,\" or \"expectation.\" Each translation conveys the sense of anticipation and expectation.

How to Write \"期待\" in English?

\"期待\" can be written as \"anticipate,\" \"await,\" \"expect,\" \"wait in hope,\" \"look forward to,\" or \"expectation.\" These words capture the essence of longing and excitement for something to come.

English Translation Examples

1. The Spring Festival is coming soon. 2. I am eagerly looking forward to the Spring Festival and the Spring Festival Program.3. I have great anticipation for the grand reunion dinner, the red envelopes, and the joyful atmosphere of the Lunar New Year celebration.

How to Translate \"期待\" into English?

\"Expect\" is the verb form of \"期待,\" while \"expectation\" is the noun form. These words reflect the sense of waiting in hopeful anticipation for something.

How to Write \"(期待)\" in English?

It is difficult to provide a definitive translation for \"(期待)\" as it depends on the specific context. The most common translations include \"expect,\" \"anticipate,\" \"await,\" \"wait for,\" \"look forward to,\" as well as other options like \"envisage\" and \"figure.\" The choice of translation may vary depending on the situation.

How to Say \"Children are Anticipating the Arrival of the Spring Festival\" in English?

The children are looking forward to the arrival of the Chinese New Year. I realize that I eagerly anticipate its arrival every year. It is a time of joy, family gatherings, and festive celebrations that fill our hearts with excitement and happiness.

English Translation of \"期待\"

The English translation options for \"期待\" include \"anticipate,\" \"await,\" \"expect,\" \"wait in hope,\" and \"look forward to.\" Each translation captures the sense of hopeful anticipation for something to happen.