> 文章列表 > 春节家里有多少红包英语





Food names: 年糕 Nian-gao; rise cake; New Year cake 团圆饭 family reunion dinner 年夜饭 the dinner on New Year\'s Eve 舞狮 Lion Dance 舞龙 Dragon Dance 红包 red packet 压岁钱 lucky money 除夕夜 New Year\'s Eve 春联 Spring Festival couplets 拜年 pay a New Year\'s visit 守岁 staying-up late on New Year\'s Eve 放鞭炮 setting off fireworks 买年货 shopping for the Spring Festival 戴红包 decorate the house with red packets 穿新衣 wear new clothes 元宵节 Lantern Festival春节庙会 Spring Festival temple fair烟花 fireworks联欢晚会 gala performance


红包的英语表达是 red packet。


红包用英语拼写是 red packets,压岁钱用英语拼写是 lucky money。


红包的英文表示为 [hóng bāo],在中性意义上是指装有礼金的红纸包裹,在贬义上则指行贿或受贿的回扣。


中国春节(Chinese Spring Festival)是中国传统的重要节日,也是中国农历新年的开始。春节通常在阳历的1月份或2月份之间的日期。家人团圆是春节最重要的特点之一,人们会回家与家人共度团圆时刻。而在除夕夜,家人会聚在一起吃团圆饭,享受美食。此外,烟花和放鞭炮也是春节庆祝活动中常见的元素之一。


The year is coming, and as a child, I love the Spring Festival very much, because I can receive a lot of lucky money as red packets. It is a traditional custom in China to give red packets to children, which symbolize good luck and blessings for the new year. These lucky money can bring joy and excitement to children, and it is always a pleasant surprise to see how much money you can get. It also teaches children the value of saving and managing money.


关于春节的英文单词有:1、春节 The Spring Festival 2、农历 lunar calendar 3、正月 lunar January; 4、除夕 New Year\'s Eve; 5、舞狮 Lion Dance; 6、舞龙 Dragon Dance; 7、春联 Spring Festival couplets; 8、拜年 pay a New Year\'s visit; 9、守岁 staying-up late on New Year\'s Eve; 10、放鞭炮 setting off fireworks; 11、买年货 shopping for the Spring Festival; 12、戴红包 decorate the house with red packets; 13、穿新衣 wear new clothes; 14、元宵节 Lantern Festival;15、春节庙会 Spring Festival temple fair;16、烟花 fireworks;17、联欢晚会 gala performance。


春节得到的红包可以用英文表达为 \"lucky money received during the Spring Festival\"。


英语中春节可以表达为:1. Spring Festival;2. New Year\'s Day on the lunar calendar;3. Chinese New Year。

英语怎么讲春节? - 懂得

春节可以用英语表达为 Spring Festival 或者 Chinese New Year。在中国,春节是最重要的传统节日,人们会进行一系列的庆祝活动,如家人团聚、拜年、放鞭炮等。